YIA Apply now!

Apply now!

Young Investigators Award of SFRR Asia is given at the occasion of every SFRR Asia/SFRR International Biennial Meeting. This year, the 11th SFRR Asia Biennial meeting will be held in Beijing, China from October 21st to 23rd, 2024.          .

Several awards are set for young scientists.

For example (tentative)

1. SFRR Asia Young Investigator Award

2. Taylor & Francis Young Investigator Award

3. Taylor & Francis Prestigious Poster Award

4. Taylor & Francis Travel Award for Young Scientists of SFRR Asia(For participants from abroad, out of Host region.)

Qualifications for the awards

-  a member of SFRR Asia (must pay annual fee of 2024)

-  students or postdoctoral fellows (or similar positions)

-  submit abstract and present at the annual meeting, either in oral or poster presentations.

-  must be the first author on a submitted abstract

-  must attend the meeting and present at awarding ceremony.

YIA awardees will receive official certification and cash or free online subscription of Free Radical research for one year, depending on the order.

To apply:

Send the abstract which you already submitted to the 11th SFRR Asia Meeting and C.V. (A4 sheet/1 page, including Date of Birth and Gender) to SFRR Asia Secretariat (<sfrrasia@koto.kpu-m.ac.jp> )

by August 15, 2024

You may simultaneously apply for an SFRR Asia membership when submitting an abstract and C.V. for a YIA.

The judging committee from the SFRR Asia executive committee will review the submitted abstracts and C.V., and check their presentation on-site. The result will be announced at the occasion of the awarding ceremony.

We look forward to receiving many applications!!!


Early bird registration

Society for Redox Biology and Medicine Branch of Biophysical Society of China

The Material Biology and Intelligent Medicine Branch of Biophysical Society of China

Contact Us

Secretariat of SFRR-Asia 2024

Add: No.15 Datun Road, Chaoyang Distrct, Beijing, China

Tel:+86-10-6488 9894

E-mail: sfrr-secretariat@bsc.org.cn

Abstract submission, Registration, Visa

Wanxiao Jiao(Biophysical Society of China)



Hotel Booking

Rui Shao(Beijing Huiyiren Information 

Consulting Co., Ltd.)

Tel: +86-15711034226 

E-mail: always0226@126.com

Promotion and Exhibition

Hai Wu(Beijing Huawei Zhongyi 

Technology Co., Ltd)




Business Invitation Letter.pdf

Invitation Letter for China Visa.docx