



1. Basic research on redox biology and medicine                        

1.1 New approach for precision redox research                        

1.2 Discovery of new molecules in redox network                        

1.3 Redox modification of biomacromolecules 

1.4 Redox signaling in organelles/cell fate/development/reproduction                        


2. Redox homeostasis in aging and diseases                        

2.1 Redox and aging                         

2.2 Redox and obesity, vascular function and metabolism                        

2.3 Redox and cancer, infection and immunity 

2.4 Redox and neural function & mental health                        

2.5 Redox and plant biotic stress                        

2.6 Redox and environmental challenge 


3. Precision redox intervention and health management                        

3.1 Traditional Medicine Prophylaxis-Therapeutics and Redox Balance                        

3.2 Intelligence materials for precision redox intervention                        

3.3 Lifestyle and redox regulation 

3.4 Natural products and nutrition in anti-aging and health management                        


Abstract submission and registration should be done online through the conference web site: www. SFRR-Asia2024.com.cn. Abstract submission deadline is August 31.                        

Poster Format:                        

The content includes the title, author, affiliation, city, postal code, research purpose, methods, results, and conclusion.                        

The size of the wall poster is 120cm in length and 90cm in width, and it needs to be printed or enlarged with a laser printer.

The line drawings and photos should be clear and aesthetically pleasing.                        

Please print it yourself and bring it to the venue for posting. Wall poster contact person: Du Libo, 13810083984, dulibo@iccas.ac.cn.


Abstract submission contact: 

Wanxiao Jiao                        

Tel: 13810083984                        

Email: jiaowanxiao@bsc.org.cn                        










Society for Redox Biology and Medicine Branch of Biophysical Society of China

School of Chinese Medicine,The University of HongKong


The Material Biology and Intelligent Medicine Branch of Biophysical Society of China

Shanghai Tissuebank Biotechnology Co.,Ltd 

Contact Us

Secretariat of SFRR-Asia 2024

Add: No.15 Datun Road, Chaoyang District,

 Beijing, China

Tel:+86-10-6488 9894

E-mail: sfrr-secretariat@bsc.org.cn

Abstract submission, Registration, Visa

Wanxiao Jiao(Biophysical Society of China)



Hotel reservation consultation

Yunzhang Guo(Beijing Huiyiren Information 

Consulting Co., Ltd.)

Tel: +86-18301169071 

E-mail: yunzhang.guo@outlook.com

Promotion and Exhibition

Hai Wu(Beijing Huawei Zhongyi 

Technology Co., Ltd)




SFRR ASIA 2024 Business invitation letter.pdf

Invitation Letter for China Visa.docx


Notice of the meeting of the 2024 International Redox Congress.pdf

SFRR-Asia 2024 Conference Manual.pdf